awesome pizza & a guarantee!

    Kariong Gourmet Pizza

    Delivery: 05:00pm - 08:00pm

    Open Tomorrow: 05:00pm - 08:15pm

    Burger Deal
    Free Drink Deal
    Chicken Deal
    Burger Fries Deal
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    Grab a copy of our menu here.

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    About Us

    About us

    'Live in the Kariong region and looking for a healthy takeaway option for the entire family that's quick and easy? You can't go past Kariong Gourmet Pizza delivering traditional and gourmet pizzas to your door.

    We are a family run local business that has been providing great quality pizzas in the Kariong area for almost 3 decades. At Kariong Gourmet Pizza we pride ourselves on using only the freshest ingredients to ensure you're happy with our pizzas every time...... or your money back.